Goethe Institut Exhibition Joint Artists
TRASH-ART-SERIES - Photo-based imagery
Photographs by Ricarda Peters
1-21-05 to 4-15-05 prolonged!
Goethe Institut Frankfurt
Diesterwegplatz 72
mo-thu 9.00 am - 8.00 pm
fr 9.00 am - 5.00 pm

1-20-05   7.00 pm

Extract from a letter to E.V. 2002
The Trash-Art-Series has nothing to do with social criticism, neither is it a protest against consumerism. It is on a different plane, more to the tune of: "And that which keeps the world together in its innermost" (Goethe, Faust part 1)

These Trash-Art images - pictures of refuse randomly piled up in tiers - appear to me to show a remarkable order. Out of these images it appears that structures evolve, a process akin to nature. Structures which divide and split again into smaller and smaller units. They obviously follow a set pattern, a phenomenon which is also found in informal painting.

In mathematics a whole scientific area - the chaos theory - deals with discerning patterns and structures in the suppposed chaos of our environment. In defining structures which relate to themselves, mathematicians create worlds in which they virtually probe deeper with a magnifying-glass, finding there the same structures and patterns.

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